Institute for Substance Use Studies
Innovations and partnerships for psycho-social wellbeing.
The mission of the Institute for Substance Use Studies is to accelerate emergence of Innovations, Services, and Education packages that advance psychosocial wellness by bringing together a collaborative team of researchers, clinicians, students, and community stakeholders; to foster a culture of psychological wellbeing among individuals through engagement and skill development; to promote patient-centered care by transforming mental health services; to train the next generation of researchers and clinicians to perform at the highest levels in developing, evaluating, and disseminating innovative psychological interventions.
To improve the well-being of individuals and groups experiencing psychological difficulties via innovative interventions, specifically focusing on:
1) developing, evaluating, and optimizing innovative psycho-social interventions, therapeutic processes, and public health programs as part of Universal Health Care and Mental Health;
2) enhancing engagement in innovative psycho-social interventions through Sikolohiyang Pilipino and other frameworks ;
3) cultivating inter-university and trans-disciplinary collaboration to advance the science and practice of psycho-social wellness
4) developing innovative leadership, governance, and service delivery mechanisms to co-create psycho-social wellness
The ISUS focuses on conducting research designed to improve the psychological wellbeing and overall functioning of individuals suffering from clinical and subclinical mental health conditions, often comorbid with medical conditions. Early lab research focused on how to optimize face-to-face assessment and treatment of mental health conditions among those with and without medical conditions (e.g., assessment and treatment of health anxiety and chronic pain). We also broadly focused on how to improve face-to-face healthcare delivery processes (e.g., continuity of care, care pathways). The lab's research aims to explore improving face-to-face interventions as well as access to, and optimising the effectiveness of, Internet-delivered interventions as part of routine care. Through these goals we aim to enhance wellbeing of individuals and reduce suffering related to mental health problems.
Research Areas
Broadly, research in the ISUS aims to address the following areas:
How can we best reach/engage individuals who are suffering from mental health conditions and who could benefit from psychological services to improve wellbeing?
How do patients perceive Internet-delivered interventions relative to other interventions?
What factors predict interest and engagement in Internet-delivered interventions?
Which patient groups have more difficulty engaging in Internet-delivered interventions?
What therapeutic techniques or materials (e.g., motivational interviewing, content tailoring) can be used to increase patient engagement in Internet-delivered interventions?
How does matching therapist support to patient preference or patient characteristics affect engagement?
What is the efficacy/effectiveness of diagnostic-specific and transdiagnostic Internet interventions for improving wellbeing and functioning in diverse patient groups?
Which clients benefit most/least from Internet-delivered interventions?
What are the unique treatment needs of various patient groups (e.g., individuals with insomnia, workplace stress, spinal cord injury cancer, coronary events, postpartum depression/anxiety, chronic pain) or populations (public safety personnel, post-secondary students, agricultural community)?
What are patient perspectives on how to improve Internet-delivered interventions?
Therapeutic Process:
How can we best train therapists to provide Internet-delivered interventions?
What is the nature and quality of therapist-assistance when therapy is delivered via the Internet?
What practice guidelines should exist in Internet-delivered interventions?
How well do therapists adhere to assigned practice guidelines when providing Internet-delivered interventions?
What is the optimal level of therapist support in Internet-delivered interventions?
How should patient preferences and patient characteristics be used to individualize therapist support to improve outcomes and engagement?
What do patients want from therapists during Internet-delivered interventions?
What is the best way to supervise therapists in Internet-delivered interventions?
What factors predict therapeutic alliance in Internet-delivered interventions?
What impact do therapist behaviours during Internet-delivered interventions have on patient outcomes?
What are the barriers and facilitators to implementing Internet-delivered interventions in diverse clinical settings?
How do healthcare providers perceive Internet-delivered interventions and how do these perceptions impact the adoption of Internet-delivered interventions in routine practice?
What policies and procedures impact the implementation of Internet-delivered interventions in routine practice?
What implementation strategies improve the adoption of Internet-delivered interventions?
What organizational, cultural, and environmental factors within healthcare settings impact the implementation of Internet-delivered interventions in routine practice?
What is the cost-effectiveness of varying approaches to delivering Internet-delivered interventions?
Our studies have explored ways to improve psychological wellbeing for a variety of populations varying in demographic characteristics, including individuals living with:
Low mood and depression
Anxiety and anxiety-related disorders (e.g., panic, social anxiety)
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Post-partum depression/anxiety
Chronic health conditions
Spinal cord injury
Chronic pain
Cardiac conditions
Multiple sclerosis
Our lab has published research using a wide range of methodologies, including:
Randomized controlled trials
Effectiveness trials
Longitudinal research
Qualitative designs (e.g., patient interviews, focus groups)
Online survey research
Naturalistic observation
Audit and Feedback
Cost-effectiveness trials
The Psychology-Wise Lab facilitates training of undergraduate and graduate students as well as post-doctoral fellows. Students have the opportunity to volunteer in the lab and may also be employed through research grants or contracts. Students typically gain experience in both qualitative and quantitative data analysis and prospective and retrospective studies.
What is universal coverage?
Universal coverage (UC), or universal health coverage (UHC), is defined as ensuring that all people can use the promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative health services they need, of sufficient quality to be effective, while also ensuring that the use of these services does not expose the user to financial hardship.
This definition of UC embodies three related objectives:
1. Equity in access to health services - those who need the services should get them, not only those who can pay for them;
2. That the quality of health services is good enough to improve the health of those receiving services;
3. Financial-risk protection - ensuring that the cost of using care does not put people at risk of financial hardship.
Universal coverage brings the hope of better health and protection from poverty for hundreds of millions of people - especially those in the most vulnerable situations.